
How a dairy company embedded customer centricity on a global scale


A global consumer dairy business recognised the critical need to adapt to changes in consumer behaviour in recent years. Digital transformation therefore became a priority on the agenda.

How a dairy company embedded customer centricity on a global scale

The challenge

In 2018, the executive board attempted to re-ignite a stalled digital transformation process and drive sustainable improvement. Namely, they decided to federate digital across its operating divisions. The aim: building online sales and marketing channels, optimising and growing existing online and offline channels, and capturing operational data to improve the functions across OpCos.

The approach

Riverflex was engaged to support this change process, defining the needs to move into a customer-centric organisation.

How a dairy company embedded customer centricity on a global scale

Key Outcomes

Start with the customer: capture the complete view of the customer’s needs across their journey, and identify all of the potential digital levers to meet these needs

Translate to the capability gaps: review the capabilities required to “pull” the levers, identify gaps, and potential solution options

Invest in digital capabilities: create roles within the organisation with the skills to drive the potential levers required to meet the customer’s needs